Formal education, is an essential means of acquiring knowledge and life skills. It is much more than the formal education that one gains from academic institutions. It also is learning informally through life lessons from our elder’s. It is said, ‘experience is the best teacher’. It is an effort of the older generation, to transfer their life’s wisdom to the younger generation. In a constantly changing and developing world, it is very important to mould a generation, capable of building a just and civilized society with an enthusiasm to know and understand the problems of the modern society and address them in the right way it needs to be dealt with.
‘Sharing with siblings can help children learn important life skills’
Experience is the best teacher. I am sure many of you remember an old story of ‘the boat man and the scholar”. It is very much applicable to education and learning. The story goes thus; once up on a time there lived a boatman in the banks of a river earning his livelihood with his small boat. Though his meagre daily earnings were barely enough to make both ends meet, he was happy and content. On a fine sunny day a scholar came to the boatman and asked, to take him across the river. The boatman happily agreed and in a while they were on their way across the river. Though he called himself a scholar, at heart a proud silly foolish guy, wanted to show off his great scholarliness. Thus he addressed the boatman and asked him ‘have you learned philosophy’. The boatman answered, I am sorry sir, but I haven’t. The scholar pronounced his Judgment ‘you have lost a quarter of your life. After a while the scholar once again asked the boatman ‘have you learned psychology? The boatman humbly expressed his ignorance of the subject. The scholar said ‘half of your life is gone waste’. The journey went on and the scholar went on with the show off of his scholarliness to the boatman. By the time the boat reached the middle of the river, the sky was over cast and a thunder storm was developing. The boatman asked the scholar ‘sir do you know the art of swimming. The scholar replied in panic ‘no I don’t know swimming. The boatman said ‘then you are going to lose your life itself’.
The moral of the above story is that, never consider any job menial nor look down on persons who do any kind of job. Every job has its dignity. It is because of them who do different jobs, we are able to peacefully and comfortably function and do our jobs and achieve life’s goals. The farmer, the mechanic, the hair dresser, the laundry man, the sewage management team, all of them help us to live healthy and comfortable. If all of them decide to stop functioning, the world would be in total chaos. Most of them are unskilled workers but it is experience that makes them competent in their profession. It needs a lot of courage and inner strength to do those kind of odd jobs.
Children, both boys and girls, besides their academic studies, should learn to do all kinds of house hold jobs such as cooking, washing dishes and keeping their house and surroundings clean. Every day we should take care that we clean our rooms and organizes it, so that when you look at, it makes your day, be proud of yourself and when others see it there increases regard and respect for you. People of the developed countries believe that, if you know cooking you have achieved half of your life. It is true because if you know cooking and other household jobs, you can venture in to anything you want to. An achiever needs self-esteem and your self-dependableness provides it to you. So form yourself to be a person of Jack of all trades and master of some.
Education makes us successful people and gives us the opportunity to become productive members of a civilized society, by acquiring all the necessary skills. It makes us capable of meeting challenges and to overcome obstacles. We learn, how to become an integrated personality and maintain the preservation of our cultural heritages. Moreover, quality education enables us to lead a successful life, enhances our intelligence, skills, knowledge, and brings about positive changes in our lives.
- Education makes us humble, creates awareness and expands our vision. It helps us form and live a disciplined life.
- An educated person commands respect in the society.
- Education not only enables us to earn our livelihood but also empowers us reach the peaks of achievements
- Education is the key to gender equality and women empowerment. Educated women are self-dependent, and looked upon with dignity.
- They are aware of their social, and economic rights and they can pass it on to their children and help them in their integrated development.
- Education is the right of every child born in India, that the government avails quality education to him/her.
Formal education with practical experience enables one to venture into new horizons and in nation building, by helping them out to improve human living conditions and standards. Our whole life is a process of learning and gaining new useful knowledge and skills. It is worthwhile investing in education, as education leads us from illusion to learning, from learning to knowledge and knowledge to wisdom. As we ascent the steps of wisdom we begin to have an experience of celestial bliss and as we reach the heights, we will have its fullness.
Manager of St Mary's Sr. Sec School, Fatehpur